Anlegestelle Station Schifflände Rheinfelden mit Rheinbrücke und Inseli

Fröschweid shipping pier

The Rheinfelden landing stage is the starting point for shipping to Basel. The area is also called Fröschweid and marks one of the entrances to the old town.

Quarter of the frogs.

The Fröschweid marks one of the lowest points in the city. In former times, the city stream seeped away there. It was a swampy area where many frogs cavorted. The sign "Quartier Quaque-Quaque" at the fountain near the Confiserie Café Graf still reminds us of this.

Fröschweid Rheinfelden mit Schild und Frosch

Rheinfelden Schifflände boat station.

The Schifflände is the terminus for passenger ships. From here you can make wonderful trips down the Rhine to Basel. The Rhine had to be dredged at this point to allow the new Basel passenger ship, the Rhystern, to dock without any problems.

Timetable & prices boat trip

Station Schifflände Rheinfelden Richtung Kurbrunnen

Entrance to the old town.

Fröschweid was once located between the New Gate and the Schwibbogen in Rheinfelden's old town. This became too low for the increasingly large carts.

In 1851, the authorities demolished the arch, which had long since lost its protective function anyway. Customs duties could also no longer be levied there: the federal constitution of 1848 guaranteed the freedom of trade and traffic, and transit traffic now passed the town unhindered on the Kaiserstrasse to the south.

Fröschweid Rheinfelden Richtung Marktgasse mit Reste der Stadtmauer

Further information

Good to know

When the Rhine overflows its banks, the Fröschweid becomes navigable even against its will. Impressive high-water marks at the former «Tabakhüsli am Zoll», now the Hostel Tabakhüsli, bear eloquent witness to this.

Boat trip to Basel

Would you like to experience the Rhine on a boat trip to Basel? In summer the ship of the Basler Personenschifffahrt comes to Rheinfelden 2-3 times a week on the big lock trip.

Timetable & offers


City of Rheinfelden
Municipal Construction Office
Marktgasse 16
4310 Rheinfelden
+41 61 835 52 55

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