Grosses Amphitheater Augusta Raurica

Roman city of Augusta Raurica

An imposing theatre, the largest silver treasure of late antiquity, a romantic Roman house, numerous workshops for young and old: welcome to Roman antiquity! Leisurely walks and exciting guided tours make the excursion to Augusta Raurica the perfect destination that offers a lot and costs little.

The ancient, but still lively Roman city.

You can experience life in antiquity in a particularly authentic way in one of the over 100 exclusive workshops. Bread baking, gladiator school, special guided tours, or would you rather make your own incense blend? Whatever you choose: An unforgettable experience is guaranteed.

Experiences in the Roman city

Augusta Raurica Workshop Brot backen

Römische Esskultur erleben.

Essen und Trinken wie die römischen Kaiser. Diese waren bekannt für ihre exzessiven Essgelage und exotischen Speisen. Kochen Sie Ihr eigenes römisches Buffet in der rustikalen Backstube - nur mit Feuer und ohne Strom.

Römische Esskultur erleben

Augusta Raurica Esskultur erleben
Workshop Augusta Raurica Kinder am Spielen

Highlight in August: the Roman Festival.

"Panem et Circenses": this is always the motto at the end of August. Welcome to the largest Roman festival in Switzerland. Over a thousand participants from half of Europe bring the ancient monuments to life: gladiators, traders, musicians and dancers, in between numerous hands-on stations for young and old provide excitement and entertainment.

Roman Festival

Legionäre am Römerfest Augusta Raurica

Discover the Roman city

Further information

Good to know

Augusta Raurica offers daily workshops and guided tours for young and old: baking bread, making mosaics, making ointments and oils and much more.

The museum will be closed for renovation from November 1, 2023 to early summer 2024. The Roman House will remain open to the public free of charge, daily from 10 am - 5 pm.

Public guided tours

Group tours

Private tours can be booked on a variety of topics, and special offers are available for school classes as part of their curriculum.

Offers for groups


Augusta Raurica
Giebenacherstrasse 17
4302 Augst
+41 61 552 22 22

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