Velounterstand Fahrrad Bahnhof Rheinfelden Hotel EDEN Feldschlösschen

Bicycle and bicycle parking

Here you can find all official bike and bicycle parking places in the old town and near the train station of Rheinfelden

Übersicht Veloabstellplätze Fahrrad Altstadt Rheinfelden


Veloständer Fahrrad Zoll Rheinfelden
1 inch/market lane
Veloständer Schifflände Marktgasse Rheinfelden
2 Shipping pier
Veloständer Hauptwachplatz Rheinfelden
3 Main guard station
Veloständer Zähringerplatz Rheinfelden
4 Zähringerplatz Maiengässli
Veloständer Zähringerplatz Rheinfelden Rohrer Bäckerei
4 Zähringerplatz Bakery Rohrer
Veloständer Fahrrad Albrechtsplatz Rheinfelden
5 Albrecht Square
Veloständer Rumpel Rheinfelden
6 Rumple
Veloständer Rathaus Fricktaler Museum Rheinfelden
7 Fricktal Museum
Veloständer Rosenau / Bahnhof Rheinfelden
8 Rosenau / Rheinfelden train station
Veloständer Bahnhof Rheinfelden SBB Gleis 1
9 Rheinfelden train station platform 1
Velounterstand Fahrrad Bahnhof Rheinfelden Hotel EDEN Feldschlösschen
10 Rheinfelden train station / Hotel EDEN im Park

Good to know

The bicycle racks are provided by the city of Rheinfelden. Cyclists are requested to park their bicycles in these locations only.

Maximum parking time:
Zone A max. 72 hours
At and around the train station max. 3 weeks


Motorcycles can also be parked at the following bike racks:

  • 1 inch
  • 3 Main guard place
  • 6 Rumble


City of Rheinfelden
Municipal Construction Office
Marktgasse 16
4310 Rheinfelden
+41 61 835 52 55

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