Der Kirchplatz mit den ehemaligen Chorherrenhäuser und der St. Martinskirche Rheinfelden

Canons' Houses

The houses of the canons of the former monastery of St. Martin are situated near the town church of St. Martin. Today they are residential houses with an exciting past.

The houses of the canons.

The former houses of the monastery of St. Martin surround the Gustav Kalenbach Square. They were built to the east of the town church of St. Martin, with Gothic and Renaissance components.

They also included an abbey garden and a tithe barn. There, the farmers had to hand over a tenth of their harvest as tax in the Middle Ages. The dominating Spyserhof replaces the former house of the Beguines (lay congregation).

Kirchgässli Rheinfelden mit Bäumen und Chorherrenhäuser

Further information

Good to know

Today, the former canons' houses are private apartments. They are therefore not open to the public.

Book about the canons' monastery

The book «Das Chorherrenstift St. Martin, sein Ende und das danach» tells the story of the monastery from 1870 to 2020.

Buy at the tourist office or order against invoice.

Order by e-mail


Christ Catholic Parish
Kirchgässli 2
4310 Rheinfelden
+41 61 831 50 13

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